What High School Seniors Should Do Over the Holidays – Part 1
What High School Seniors Should Do from Thanksgiving to Christmas
Although it’s hard to believe, the holiday season is already upon us. That means most of us will be busier than ever—including high school seniors. This is especially true for college-bound students, as there is plenty left to be done before graduation. Prioritizing tasks to complete is of utmost importance during this hectic time. Here is a list of ideas for the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks (to be followed mid-month by another blog focusing on Christmas break alone.)
Getting Organized for High School Seniors
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can be intense for high school seniors. The demands of school work, college applications, and extracurricular activities can seem daunting at times. Staying organized is key to surviving, and actually thriving this time of year. Make schedules and lists so that you don’t miss any important deadlines or leave something out. Make sure that you have everything you need ahead of time, and don’t fall victim to procrastination—which tends to run high with people who feel overwhelmed.
Work Hard to Meet Your Goals
If you set goals for yourself this semester (and you should have), spend some time reviewing those goals, and then strive to meet or exceed them. As hard as it may be to focus this time of year, stay on course so that you can move forward into the new year with a sense of accomplishment and pride, and you can build on the success you already have.
Review Your College Wish List
While you may have completed a list of prospective colleges, and already applied to some of them, check your list to see if there are schools you may have left off. For those currently on the list, make sure that you keep up with application due dates, and that you have all materials (including essays) submitted on time.
Finish Essays
Some students have a lot of supplemental essays to write, depending on each school’s requirements. The task can be overwhelming, so it’s best to get ahead of the game and complete all essay work ahead of time. At Moxie College Counseling, we advise students to complete their essays prior to Christmas break so that you don’t have a big task looming over you, and you can enjoy the holiday. Alleviating any unnecessary stress is just a smart decision.
Confirm Receipt of Application Materials
Once you’ve submitted your application to a college, you should hear back from them with a confirmation of receipt. At that time, they may provide you with instructions to set up a portal account so that you can check on the progress of your application. That way, you can receive any high priority messages regarding its status. Some schools also post admission decisions on these portals.
Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities for High School Seniors
Many students choose to work or volunteer over the holidays, which is a good thing. But keep in mind…there are only so many jobs available for such a short time, so you need to get a jump on securing one of them now. Volunteering shouldn’t be as hard, as there are many charitable organizations that need extra help over the holidays. Regardless, you’ll need to contact them ahead of time to inquire about their needs.
Making the Most of Christmas Break for High School Seniors
These are just a few things for high school seniors to consider over the next few weeks. Christmas will be here very soon, and it will be a much more relaxing holiday if you keep these things in mind. Stay tuned here for more ideas on how to make the most of Christmas break.
At Moxie College Counseling, we help college-bound students set goals during the college admission process—along with strategic, organized plans to meet those goals. For more information on our services and resources, please contact us.
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A quick overview of the topics covered in this article.
- What High School Seniors Should Do from Thanksgiving to Christmas
- Getting Organized for High School Seniors
- Work Hard to Meet Your Goals
- Review Your College Wish List
- Finish Essays
- Confirm Receipt of Application Materials
- Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities for High School Seniors
- Making the Most of Christmas Break for High School Seniors
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