Six Groups to Show Gratitude to This Holiday Season
Embrace the Holiday Spirit
We did it, folks! We’ve made it through to another holiday season. Since a theme of most every holiday people are celebrating this time of year is giving thanks and gratitude, we at Moxie College Counseling wanted to recognize the arduousness of the college process with an appreciation post. Here, we’ll discuss some heroes (both sung and unsung) of the admissions journey to help us embrace the holiday spirit.
Loving One Another
We know that hosting extended family, traveling in crowded airports and on packed highways, and navigating the dynamics of a rowdy group can induce stress. However, let’s remember that, at its roots, the holiday season is about loving one another. With that in mind, let’s remember to send some gratitude to…
Gratitude for Our Teachers
Yes, because they’ve stuck it out through the ongoing global pandemic, adapting almost daily over the last two years to make sure that their students could continue to have opportunities to learn. Yes, because teaching is oftentimes a thankless job, yet one that has the largest impact in inspiring a generation of future leaders. Yes, because they have written an incalculable number of letters of recommendation for applicants. However, we should thank and show gratitude to our teachers most of all for wanting to teach our students. For waking up every day and choosing to put effort into the betterment of others.
Parents & Guardians
Regardless of the size and makeup of your family (and they do come in many crazy, gorgeous shapes and sizes), parents and legal guardians are usually the first line of defense, offense, Wikipedia-ing, comforting, motivating, researching, and many other jobs in their young ones’ college journey. Parents raise us, they notice how we grow, they give us love in their own eccentric and beautiful ways. They make the college journey feel hopeful, even in its most trying moments.
Gratitude for Educational Counselors
They are the experts. They crunch the numbers, carve the path, and make suggestions that sometimes seem just too good to be true. But most of all, they help dispel anxiety and de-mystify the college process for applicants. There is nothing more valuable than peace of mind during admissions season because a tranquil head produces the most complete, reflective application possible, and these kinds of applications are the ones that make admissions officers happy. I’ve had the opportunity to sit in on a few meetings with our wonderful counselors here at Moxie over the past few months, and the way in which they are able to adapt their approach based on a student and/or family’s needs (many of which are unspoken and, thus, harder to identify) seems to be just short of magic. Let’s give thanks to the counselors who endeavor to help us find our new home.
Showing Gratitude to Our Friends
Friends run the gamut of finding ways to help applicants. These could be friends who are already in college who take time out of their busy days when you’re on campus to give an informal tour. These could be older family friends who fondly recall their own college days out loud at the kitchen counter, painting a picture of what factors to look for off the beaten path of “stellar academics” and “good student life.” However, most likely, these are the friends who are in the trenches alongside applicants, creating college application solidarity that often results in cathartic tears and hugs during deadlines. We thank friends this season because we love them and all their idiosyncrasies. Isn’t that what it is all about? Finding common ground in a world (and an admissions process) that sometimes seems built to alienate and confuse. Friends bring light to this journey and love to the struggle of it all.
Admissions Officers
Simply because they are tasked with reading most everything we send them and then making decisions about our futures. Don’t curse the inevitable rejection letter or two. These are just gentle reminders that your home might be somewhere else. It’s true that admissions officers aren’t experts at telling you where your home might be. However, they are pretty dang good at making suggestions. They’re doing their best to make you happy, even if sometimes it seems like the opposite. Celebrate the acceptances and show some gratitude! These are messages of hope from admissions officers around the country. They are saying: “Come Home!”
Showing Gratitude to Yourself
Because you are doing your best. You are being vulnerable, putting yourself out there, working hard, reflecting. And sometimes nothing comes of this difficult work. But be gentle with yourself. You’re going to have an incredible college experience thanks to all the work you’ve done.
Happy holidays, everyone! May you find health, joy, and love around the table, amidst the crispest days outside, and in your own heart as you celebrate. If you have any questions about college admissions or our counseling services, please contact us.
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