Student Blogging: Part 2
How to Start a Student Blog
Blogging can be an amazing activity for high school students. Aside from increasing writing and marketing skills, posting about activities and passions, learning about new topics, and meeting new people, student blogging can be a great stress reliever and a lot of fun. But where do you start? Here are some guidelines:
Student Blogging: Choose a Blog Name
This isn’t always as easy as it may seem. You want the name to be memorable and pertinent. Consider what type of blog you are creating. What is the motivation behind the blog—do you want to make money, educate and inspire people, or both? Who is your target market? What tone of voice will you use? What message do you want your blog to communicate?
Make sure that your blog name is original and catchy. You don’t want it to be too long, and it should be easy to spell and pronounce. Think about related keywords you can use in the name and make a list of ideas. Consider using a blog name generator to help you find great names. (A generator will suggest names by combining the text you enter with industry trends to come up with inspirational ideas for names.)
Choose Your Platform
Before writing the first word, you must decide which blogging platform to use. While there are many out there, (WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, Weebly, GoDaddy, and Bluehost to name a few), it helps to research and find the one that best meets your needs. To do that, you’ll need to set goals for your blog. For instance, is it for personal expression, business/cause promotion, or monetization? What do you hope to accomplish? Who will be your audience?
When choosing a student blogging format, there are a few things to consider. If this is your first time blogging, it is important to find a user-friendly platform. Make sure that it has customization options like themes and other plugins that will help you customize your blog to reflect your style and goals. Most of the top programs offer built-in SEO (search engine optimization) tools that will enhance your blog’s visibility on search engines. Also, look for platforms that offer fast loading times, support mobile devices, include community support, and have stealth security features. Finally, consider platform pricing plans, including the cost of domains and hosting. You don’t want to exceed your budget.
Secure Your Domain Name
Once you’ve chosen your blog name you need to secure your domain. You must make sure that the name you have chosen is available as a domain name. That way you can create a site for your blog using the name you have chosen—which should be easy to search and recognize.
Choose Interesting Blog Topics
Once you’ve chosen your blog name, platform and domain, you need to start choosing topics to write about. Consider your goals. What is the purpose of the blog? Do you want to write about a specific subject you’re passionate about, sell products or services, or create brand awareness? (This doesn’t just pertain to products or services. Remember that you are a brand, so think carefully about how you present yourself.)
Research for Student Blogging
Before you start writing, research your topic. Search Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit, or Quora to identify your audience and learn more about them. See what people think about it. Whether it be something tangible like shoes or an abstract idea, you’ll need to understand what people are saying about your chosen topic. That way you can determine your direction when writing. No matter what it is, you’ll need to keep your audience in mind and make sure that you’re meeting their needs and interests.
Craft a Good Header
The first thing you should do when student blogging is write a compelling post title or headline. This introduces your blog to readers and helps them decide whether to read it. It shouldn’t be too long, and it should be unique and specific. Make sure that you use descriptive language that will evoke emotions and drive conversations. Using keywords in your title will attract the audience you prefer and improve search engine visibility.
Write Compelling Copy
No matter what your topic is, you’ll want to draw your audience’s attention by writing relatable copy that ensures your topic meets their demands and entices them to read on. Make sure that you are knowledgeable about the topic, and that you have researched it thoroughly. Understanding how it relates to your audience is crucial. Pay careful attention to the words people use to drive conversations around the topic and use keywords throughout the copy. Make sure that your tone is conversational and you’re using descriptive language that is easy to understand. Different audiences require different tones, so make sure the one you choose is most appropriate for your audience.
Enhance Your Copy
There are many ways to enhance copy. You can break up content into smaller paragraphs, numbered lists, or bullet points. Also consider using photos and graphics. Whether you’re using custom graphics or stock photography, high-quality visuals make your content more appealing. Finally, consider using tools like surveys to enhance interest and engage your audience.
Track Your Student Blogging Results
Measuring the success and activity of a blog posting involves looking at several critical areas. The most obvious one is page views. How many people have viewed your page? Other metrics that can be used to track success are the average time spent on a page, returning visitors, overall blog visits, top viewed posts, comments, shares on social media, and the click-through rate. Most blogging platforms have built-in analytics or a Google Analytics plugin to track blog traffic and site visitors.
Whatever your purpose is for student blogging, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. So, let your imagination flow. The sky is the limit!
At Moxie College Counseling, we encourage students to pursue their passions as they prepare for college. We offer a host of services—tailored to each student’s needs—to aid in the process. For more information, please contact us.
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